Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Back after a post-laptop theft break

My fictional education blogging, but not the education itself, was derailed when somebody stole my laptop on IN THE FRICKIN CABIN of a commercial flight from Jacksonville to Tampa in August.  You can theoretically blog from a mobile device, but that's not so much for me.  Anyhow, I eventually bought a new laptop and here is the Big Fat, back on track.
My initial plan was to start midway-ish  in the Tudor period, late in the reign of Henry VIII, and then double back the first marriage of Henry and move forward from there. The down period for the blog convinced me that there's no understanding the Tudors without understanding the War of the Roses. 
Is there plenty of fictional grist for my self-Tudoring impulse? There is!

My fictional War of the Roses bibliography, a mx of straight historical novels, historical mysteries, and one enduring stage drama,  so far: Richard III by William Shakespeare, The Daughter of Time by Josphine Tey, The Red Queen and The White Queen by Phillipa Gregory, A Dangerous Inheritance by AIison Weir, and The Lammas Feast by Kate Sedley.  Also, Sovereign by John Sansom is set in the reign of Henry VIII, but is largely informed by rumors surviving from the W/O/R period.

WIll be posting soon on what I've learned!